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X-Chain Inventory, Merchandise and Materials Management

CapeTown Computing


X-Chain represents our software platform for the integration of Supply, Fulfillment, Retail and Value chains into a congruent Merchandising system. The X-Chain platform provides the essential work flow requirements of a growing and diverse product centric enterprise in addition to the standard inventory and sales requirements which are expected.

The primary objective of the X-Chain platform is to provide for many different sales channels into a common and uniform work flow for your product development and distribution enteprise by encapsulating internet presence requirements, retail store front requirements and the logistics and supply chain requirements into the right places of the Merchandising effort.

The X-Chain platform comprises a collection of Standard Applications, Web Interfaces, Workflow Applications, Maintenance Applications and Analysis Interfaces.

Our Vision
CapeTown Computing has been developing systems for all manner and size of company for over 22 years. In 1998/1999 the company began the process of developing a comprehensive suite of business applications that would provide for two very important initiatives; to capture the essence of the experience and technologies of the work and systems developed for over a decade of time, and to create an architecture that would encapsulate the works which were to come.

The Art of Commerce™ and Imageion™ suites are the products of that effort.

Our goal today is to add value to your business or organization with our systems and the fusion of your vision and our vision.

Appliance Level Solutions
We strive towards the ability to provide our systems on an appliance level basis whereby the configuration of the system is done in minimal time and the benefit to your customer is immediate. Delivering our systems on a server appliance complete with pre-configured options is our goal for the small to medium enterprise and those enterprises with distributed computing requirements.

X-Chain Inventory
X-Chain Inventory

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